Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Post PC Plan

Since my time here is rapidly drawing to a close, naturally I have been giving thought to what's next. I admit this daunting question has haunted the back of my mind for two years now. It's only recently that I have recognized what career I'm most interested in pursuing.

After pondering and ruminating my future, I finally asked myself what part of my Peace Corps service have I enjoyed the most. The answer rang out loud and clear in my heart and head. Teaching! I love the interaction with the students. I love watching the light bulbs turn on. I love watching them grow. I love seeing them come out of their shells. It's joy to me. And I love the age I've been teaching here . . the equivalent of middle schoolers, although here, because there are only ten years of school, they are first year high school.

So, I started researching what would be the best path for me to pursue making this desire a reality. I located a program in New Mexico that offers its students teaching certification and a MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) while they teach at a school fulltime. Peace Corps also has a fellowship program (which reduces tuition significantly) at this school that returned volunteers can apply for. So, as of right now, I'm planning to apply to that school and for that fellowship and, hopefully, get accepted.

But what about before that? What about my short term plans? Well, my service ends the first of June. I'm planning to travel with a couple other girls around SE Asia for a month or two and then head back to the US. I am committed to being home in time to celebrate my Abram's 3rd birthday with him on August 5. Although, I may get back earlier than that . . it won't be any later, that's a promise!

So, today as I sat in my room pondering, I came up with some short range, mid range, and long range goals. What the heck . . I'll share. And remember . . I absolutely ALWAYS reserve the right to change my mind!

Short range:
complete PC service, travel around SE Asia, be home by Aug 1, 2007

Mid range:
September: Submit applications to WNMU and PC Fellowship
January: Get accepted into above mentioned programs
June: Move to New Mexico and get hired at a high school
August: Begin teaching. Continue learning. Begin MAT classes.
August (or before): Pass exams and acquire teaching certification
May: Complete MAT - Consider relocating

Long range - 2015 - 2025:
Living and teaching somewhere beautiful
Serving people
Surrounded with a circle of close friends - and hopefully family
Traveling to see kids and grandkids regularly
Life filled with all the love and comforts I need

2025: Consider retiring

And beyond:
20+ years of travel, love, laughter, witnessing and sharing my kids and grandkids lives

In addition to reserving the right to change my mind . . . I also reserve the right to be an idealist.

Why not?

This world is full of enough fear, depression, regret, negativity . . . I want to be one who generates a positive balance to some of the negativity.


At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


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