Friday, March 25, 2005

Reflections from Home

Oh my. I can't believe how fast time is flying just now! The trip to California was perfect. Seeing Tanner was wonderful - and yet, bittersweet. Just knowing that I won't be seeing him again for at least another year (when I come back for a visit) makes me sad. However, he is doing great at his job and looking great, so that did my mother's heart good. I don't know why, but God chose to give me a perfect son. I am so thankful.

Sommer flew in from Florida this Tuesday, so it's been great spending time with her. Like Tanner, she looks great and is doing well. It's sooo exhilarating to watch my babies spread their wings and fly. It's also comforting to know that they are always willing and ready to fly back and visit their mama from time to time.

I've also been spending all the time I can with Autumn and Abram. It's magical, mystical and simply miraculous watching my daughter be a mother. And I have to say, she is a natural. The love in her eyes for that beautiful baby boy and the way she smiles and interacts with him is amazing. The proof of her proficiency is how happy and healthy beautiful Abram is. He is now crawling, pulling up, and communicating verbally. He gives kisses and hugs and laughs and cries. He's perfect. And of course, he loves his YaYa!

Today is Friday. I'm flying to Detroit on Monday morning at 6:27 am. Then I will join about 80 other volunteers and fly to Manila on Wednesday. Oh my. I have so much to do and so many mixed emotions within. It's all good, though. We will all have what we need and will be fine. I have faith. Later.


At 6:12 PM, Blogger John Millar said...


Seeing you off at the airport was sad for all involved. There are going to be a lot of people reading this site so be sure to keep it updated regurally. Know that you are very much loved.



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