Thursday, November 03, 2005

More pics . . .

So I posted a few more pictures on Autumn and Austin's blog. You can see them at:

Let's see . . . the one of Julie and Jody and I in a taxi was taken just while ago as we rode from La Trinidad into Baguio. Jody lives in La Trinidad and Julie lives 12 hours from here in NE Luzon.

The boyscout campfire was taken when I went to Mt. Province to visit Teri last week. The boyscouts were having an intitiation at the school and invited us to come. In the picture, the boys are doing a native dance around the campfire and playing "lids" because they didn't have any native gongs to play. The music they made was amazing, though.

The pictures of Besao, Mt. Province I snapped out the window of the bus before I left there at 6:30 am. The two ladies squatting in the foreground were funny. One was working hard pulling weeds and the other just sat and talked. Her job: be a companion. She was doing it well. The weather was awesome. I had to sleep under three blankets at night!

The pictures of the workshop were at my school. I did a workshop for the teachers on Group Development and Teambuilding during semester break. It went really well. They all had fun because I would lecture very briefly and then have an activity. Basically, they played together all day - and had a ball. I have to make one disclaimer, though. In the picture where I'm standing in front of the visual aids, well, I didn't make that poster . . . I just had to say that! . . . I really do know how to spell "knowledge" hehe :-)

And finally, the picture of the two tombs and the candle were taken last Monday. I went to Cayapas (a far flung baranguay) with, Jane, a co-teacher, and spend a couple nights with her and her family and celebrated "All Saint's Day" with them. The fellow in the orange t-shirt is a seminary student. He hiked around to all the family tombs in the baranguay and said prayers and blessed the tombs. It was a nice ceremony. Then we ate rice, chicken, dog, and mountains of macaroni salad. Good times.


At 9:27 PM, Blogger John Millar said...

Wonderful pictures, you look great, looks like your workshop was a huge success. Look forward to more pics.


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