Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hello "BER" Months - HoHoHo

Not until I came to the Philippines had I ever heard September, October, November, and December referred to as the "BER" months (as in burr, it's chilly!) That's what they're called here in the North, though. The truth is, it's not REALLY cold - it's just that there isn't a word for "cool" in the languages, so it's either Hot (manatung) or Cold (tugin). But you would think it was freezing the way people wrap up in coats and hats.

And . . . guess what? Besides being the "cold" season . . . it's also Christmas season!

No pre-season warm-up; let's just dive right into Christmas!-

-September (forget about indian summer days and anticipating Autumn)
it's merry christmastime!
-October (no red and golden leaves - no football - no Halloween)
nevermind that . . . have a joyous christmas :-)
-November (no Thanksgiving - no pumpkin pie)
anyway. . . happy christmas
-December (no frigid days - no one's ever seen snow - no family)
oh well, merry chr. . . WHATever.
it sucks.

Sorry to be a downer - it's just the way it feels.

But, it's not REALLY Christmas yet - and whenever it is, that just means that I'll be that much closer to coming home for a visit (looking at May for my mid-service family and friend fix!)

So, enough of all that. Today is the last day of September and I have lots of good things to look forward to. Like turning 45 in a few days . . . 45? Oh MY! Well . . . at least I've got my health - even if my youth just managed to slip away . . . :-) In this country, anyone over the age of 30 is considered old, so pass me a Geritol and walking stick!

Well, I think I'll just stop before I really depress myself completely!!

Life really is okay here. Fun at times. Frustrating at times. Sad at times. Satisfying at times. Just like back home. Most of all it's an adventure - a discovery of another way of life - a discovery of myself experiencing another way of life. Mostly it's good. I'm happy to be here. And I love and miss you all.


At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday or belated birthday..I sent you an email. I was hoping that you got my good wishes on your special day!


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