Tuesday, November 01, 2005

So, what'll it be?...

One thing that sucks about living here sometimes is that there's no one to share the absolute hilarity of certain situations. Here's one example: The other day I was sitting at the kitchen table in my host home. Shareen put the food on the table and I notice that our viande (the food you eat with rice) is fried fish - but, it's only the fish heads and tails. No centers. So I say, "What'll it be - heads or tails?!?" And then I laugh - and look around - and realize that everyone at the table is just looking at me with stone sober faces. They clearly didn't see the humor. I made it worse by trying to explain about our coins having "Heads" and "Tails" and how we flip them . . . but about midway through I realized that they didn't see the humor, they just wanted to eat. Nevermind.

Okay, so another thing that happened recently. I was walking into Baguio from the bus station and I realized that I needed to use the restroom. I remembered having seen a big sign near the park that says CLEAN CR (comfort room). I walked over and decided to check it out. The lady sitting out front at the table was collecting the money - so I asked her how much? She said "Are you going to deficate or urinate only?" I couldn't believe my ears! I said, "WHAT?" She looked up at me with an expression that said "don't you understand English?" and said "Are you going to POOH?" I just lost it! I cracked up laughing and explained that no, I would only be urinating today, and she handed me 5 squares of tissue and a ticket and charged me 5 pesos. I was dying!! I was laughing so hard, but, once again, no one else saw the humor. Then she turned to the man beside me and asked him, "Will you pooh?" I just shook my head. So Funny!

So much has been going on and I have so little time to write (as usual!) I took a little trip to Mountain Province this past week and had a great time. I visited Teri, a volunteer in Besao and also saw Nancy (a volunteer in Bontoc) Peyton (a volunteer in Nueva Viscaya) and Dan (a volunteer in Sagada). One of the highlights of the trip was one day Teri, Peyton, and I hiked over a mountain from Besao to Segada in the rain. It was about an hour and a half hike - up hill. I thought I was going to die from exhaustion - but it was great! When we got across the top we came to a road and walked about 20 minutes and then a pickup pulled over and stopped so we climbed in the back. There wasn't anything to hang onto, the bed was soaking wet, and we were bouncing around like crazy! But riding down that rocky, bumpy road in the back of that truck having my insides shuffled and getting soaked by the rain, I had one of those "aha" moments when I realized (and even said out loud) "I am loving my life right now!"

It really is the little moments that have to be cherished. I've talked a lot about how this experience feels like being on a roller coaster (emotionally) - and it does. But as long as I can keep remembering to stop and appreciate the little moments - it will all be okay.

Well, wish I had more time but I have to go catch the last jeepney to Kapangan.
Remember to enjoy the little things :-) Love to all.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger John Millar said...

Reading your blog always makes me appreciate America, a land where you can poop and pee at the same time! At no extra charge! And you can eat the whole fish, not just the ends! But, look what you've learned in the Philippines, you've learned how to find true happiness by living in the moment. That alone is worth the price of admission.


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