Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Yesterday, the last hour of the day I was sitting in the library with three teachers. They were teaching me how to say some different things in Kenkane-ey and laughing at my pronunciation. Finally, it was time to go home so I told them goodbye and left. As I was walking toward the office, I passed two other teachers. I thought "I'll practice my Kenkane-ey". So I said what I thought was "we'll see each other tomorrow". "Oman ilo ta sibigot!" I said (with heart and enthusiasm). Immediately they burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked. The female teacher said, " You meant to say 'Oman illa ta sibigot'". Turns out, I had just told them "We'll wipe our bottoms tomorrow!" pretty funny, huh? :-) I thought so -and so did they!

Life is still good. Not much new going on in Kapangan. I'm in Baguio today because my supervisor and I made courtesy calls to the Provincial Superintendent and to the Governor today, but the Governor wasn't in. It's interesting to me how it is not customary in this country to make appointments. Never. People don't call ahead. They just show up. That is standard practice. I suppose it goes along with the idea that time is abundant and if we don't get it done today, there is always tomorrow - or next week - or whenever. Oh well.

Hope all of you had a happy Independence Day. Here , the fourth was U.S. - Philippine Friendship Day. But no celebrations. Business as usual. So, no holiday for me. No problem. Life is good.

Well, gonna cut out of here. Take care and God bless.


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