Friday, July 01, 2005

Brighter Days

Tuesday, 28 June 05. I realized today that I am feeling better –not so lonely or blue. School this week has been pretty uneventful. I’ve just been working in the library, going through boxes and counting books. In one of the boxes yesterday I encountered the biggest cockroach I have ever seen. I had taken all the books out of the box and then I noticed this roach that was probably an inch and a half long in the corner of the box. I was looking at it in, amazed, when it flew out of the box and toward me! I squealed and jumped and hopped around. The librarian laughed, but I’m not sure she understood why I was so freaked.

Random Thoughts

Today is “Flyday”. That’s what all the teachers here call Friday. I just say “Thank God”.

Kinda funny when I’m lying in bed at night, listening to all the crowing and barking in the dark and I look up and see fireflies flying overhead – inside my room!

Saturday, 02July05
Yesterday the science teacher wanted to know if I know “The Microscope Rap”.
Yes, it was written by an American! Do you know it?
Uhhhh, not that I can recall.
I will show it to you – it’s in my book.
Okay. Yep, there it is, big as day. So, it’s a rap about how to use microscopes. Hmmm.
So, do you know it? You will perform it for my classes on Monday. Yes?
Uhhh. I will?
Yes, you will.
Okay, sure.
Yes, and you will teach all the students to do it with you.
Okay, sure . . . would be happy to . . .

And so it goes. What kind of American am I anyway? Didn’t even know the Microscope Rap! Shameful. Shameful I tell you. And shameless. Shameless is what I’ll be on Monday. Hehe!


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