In Manila and Safe!
Well, we finally arrived here in Manila close to midnight last night. The flight from Detroit was long, but tolerable. We flew into Japan and landed in Nagoya (sp?). There, we deplaned for about an hour. Gotta say, those Japanese sure know how to build fancy, high tech airports! The flight to Japan was about 12 hours and the flight to Manila was only about 3 1/2, so we didn't end up having to be on the plane for 19 hours after all. Thank God.
Here in Manila we are staying at a nice resort for the next 5 days. This is our adjustment time, I suppose. They are easing us into this life gently. I, for one, appreciate that. At midnight last night, the temperature here was about 85 and the humidity was high. It's okay, though.
After the 80 of us leave here, we will be split into groups and sent to different regions for our training. I still don't know where I will be going for sure, but I do know that it will be somewhere on the island of Luzon. Luzon is the main island where Manila is. Beyond that, I really don't have many more details.
Right now, I am using the only computer with internet access in the entire hotel, so I don't have much time. I will update this site every time I have the opportunity. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and know that you are all in mine!