Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My Site Assignment - Yippee!

Today was the big day that all the trainees have been waiting for. We were told where we would be stationed permanently and I am SO excited! I'm going to a community called Kapangan, in Benguet Province. It is located in the mountains just north of Baguio (the summer capital of the Philippines). I just came from the hubsite where we were given our packets with the information regarding our sites, so I haven't had time to read through it all yet, but I do know that it's good. Right now, I'm probably most excited because it's going to be cool! Oh yeah. Not to feel the drip, drip, drip of my upper lip - aaaah.

I still have several more weeks here in the Solano area, but that's okay at least I know that I'll have a beautiful area to be stationed in for the next two years. I am also glad to know that another volunteer (who I really like) will be stationed about an hour (or less, depending on the road conditions - all dirt) away. She'll be stationed in La Trinidad. She is about 23 years old and is actually 6'2" tall (and I always thought Sommer was tall!) I'm pleased that I'll have her nearby.
The only slightly negative news that I got about my sight is that there is no internet access, so I have to go to Baguio to use the computer. I was really hoping for a place that had an internet cafe - and I requested that several times, but that's not what I got. Other than that, it actually sounds perfect for me though. I'll just make a trip to Baguio once a week (at least) and post on here, read and return emails. You guys keep writing me now - I mean it - I need to hear from my peeps!

What little I know about my job assignment so far sounds very exciting. I'll be working in a high school that has about 600 students. I'll be working the remedial reading program, developing curriculum and doing teacher training and probably some classroom teaching. It will be a challenge and a great opportunity for growth. I'm pumped.

Well, it will be dark before too long and I still have to walk home, so I better go. Love to all. Keep the emails, letters, and posts coming. I love hearing from all of you guys - it's what keeps me going! Take care.


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